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Our Story

We created Candid to provide businesses with a complete digital commercial partner. Our services are designed to increase client revenue, eliminate business risk and minimise leadership uncertainty across the complete business digital ecosystem. We talk in real terms, you don’t need to know our portfolio of technical jargon based services, we are here to mesh with your business operations, remove your digital headaches/risks and increase your bottom line by expanding your digital footprint, customer reach, and critically, your profitability.

Our executive team has a rare blend of C level experience both within digital, commercial and transformation across billion dollar businesses. This allows us to go beyond the traditional digital agency offering, to become an integrated part of your business delivering true commercial success.

Why Partner With Us?

In parallel to helping to start selling more effectively online, via a tailored strategy to increase your web based revenue and market penetration, we will underwrite your business model by managing your pricing, margins, stock control and product P&L, lowering systemic risk by alleviating your financial blind spots.

Through becoming integrated into your business model and day to day operational challenges, we can automate key areas of your sales lifecycle, leading to reduced lead times, increased margins and happier clients.

Traffic Amplification

Unlike other digital service providers we are not tied to any specific online channel. Our service and combined experiences allows us to identify the most profitable traffic channels to maximise commercial value from traffic.

Commercial Accountability

Our services go beyond the typical digital service offering. Our commercial experience and combined strategy incorporates all elements of your online business to ensure your business is not only profitable but scalable.

Leveraging Technology

Staying ahead of the curve on digital trends and technologies allows us to optimise your business operations to increase efficiencies & profitability. Leveraging AI trends and platform optimisations is a core part of our offering.

Proud to work with:

Digital Excellence

At the core of our service is our traditional digital offering. Combining traffic acquisition techniques with conversion optimisation projects we excel in delivering commercial impact through digital channels no matter your products or service.

Traffic Acquisition

Our services focus on growing traffic (website visitors) to your platform whilst combining commercial strategy. Not only is our focus on growing traffic, but places a focus on growing traffic with intent. Combining a traffic acquisition strategy into one ensures budget and resource is spent on the highest quality traffic from the beginning, be that search marketing, paid channels, social advertising or any other traffic channel, will lead to the highest return on investment for your business. As a recognised Google partner we believe our balance of digital expertise with commercial focus ensures we generate high value traffic for our clients.

Conversion Optimisation

Our conversion optimisation projects focus on improving the underlying mechanics of your entire platform, rather than cosmetic changes like button colours or fonts that provide no strategic value. Instead we incorporate every element of your platform into our conversion projects, from landing pages to checkout flow optimisation, maximising the value of your traffic.

Certified Google Partner

Being a certified Google partner is recognition of Candid’s commitment to delivering high quality results for clients. In order to maintain partner status we go through quarterly reviews of our processes and identify further areas to improve.

Contact us for more information.


Fenchurch House
12 King St.

Call us on: 0115 646 0910

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