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Case study

Mike francis art

From palette
to platform

Our collaboration with the family of the late Mike Francis, a distinguished artist renowned for his victory in the 1974 National Portrait Gallery’s 150th Anniversary Poster Competition, displays our dedication to innovative and meaningful projects.

Following Mike’s passing, his family aimed to commemorate his life and share his art with enthusiasts worldwide, leading to a partnership with Candid Digital to create a unique platform that celebrates his legacy and artistry.

This case study details how Candid Digital’s strategic interventions not only elevated Mike Francis Art’s online presence but also successfully curated and presented his artworks to captivate and inspire a new generation of art enthusiasts.

Website creation
social media content creation
SEO optimisation

Our aims.

Our primary goal was to significantly enhance Mike Francis Art’s engagement with the art community by establishing a comprehensive digital presence. This involved creating a new website that not only showcased the vast portfolio of Mike Francis’s works but also facilitated an intuitive and engaging user experience. We aimed to elevate the brand’s image through fresh branding, including a distinctive logo that resonates with both new and existing collectors.

Additionally, we sought to maximise digital visibility and interaction by implementing a strategic Instagram campaign and optimising the website for search engines. Our efforts were focused on capturing the essence of Mike Francis’s artistry and translating it into a digital format that attracts, educates, and converts visitors into loyal followers and customers.

how we did it.

To magnify Mike Francis Art’s presence in the digital art world, we adopted a comprehensive approach tailored to both enhance the brand’s appeal and expand its reach. We began by crafting a visually compelling and user-friendly website that effectively showcases the breadth of Mike Francis’s artistic legacy. This included integrating a sophisticated product upload system that allows for easy browsing and discovery of his extensive collection of artworks.

Simultaneously, we developed a cohesive branding strategy, creating a distinctive logo and visual identity that reflects the unique qualities of Mike Francis’s art. This branding was consistently applied across all digital platforms to ensure a unified and professional appearance.

Here's what they had to say:

For social media, we formulated and executed a targeted Instagram strategy, focusing on sharing high-quality images of the artworks, engaging stories about Mike Francis’s artistic journey, and interactive content that draws in an audience of art enthusiasts and collectors. Alongside this, we implemented SEO best practices on the new website to boost search engine rankings, making Mike Francis Art more visible and accessible to a global audience.

The results.

The strategic digital enhancements implemented for Mike Francis Art led to impressive and tangible results shortly after launch. The new website, with its optimised functionality and aesthetic design, attracted considerable attention, effectively showcasing Mike Francis’s portfolio and making it accessible to a wider audience. This, coupled with the SEO efforts, significantly increased the site’s visibility in search engine results, drawing more organic traffic.

The Instagram strategy proved particularly effective. Engagement metrics soared as the curated content resonated with art enthusiasts and collectors alike, resulting in a substantial increase in follower count and interaction rates. Posts featuring Mike Francis’s artworks received wide acclaim, enhancing the brand’s reputation and reach within the art community.

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