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How To Make The Most Of Your Google Grant Budget

As a nonprofit organisation, getting the word out about your cause and raising awareness is essential. One of the most cost-effective ways of doing this is by using Google Grants. Google Grants is a program that provides eligible nonprofit organisations with up to $10,000 in free Google Ads advertising every month. With the right approach, you can make the most of your Google Grant budget and get your message seen by your target audience. Here’s how.

Understanding Google Grants for Nonprofits

What is Google Grants?

Google Grants is a program that gives eligible nonprofits access to free Google Ads advertising. Eligible organisations can receive up to $10,000 per month in AdWords advertising credits to promote their cause on Google search results pages. This means that your nonprofit can use the power of Google’s search engine to reach a wider audience and promote your cause without having to spend any money on advertising.

Google Grants is an excellent opportunity for nonprofits to increase their visibility online and attract more donors, volunteers, and supporters. By using Google Ads, you can create targeted campaigns that reach people who are actively searching for keywords related to your mission and cause.

Eligibility Criteria for Google Grants

To be eligible for Google Grants, your organisation must be registered as a charity or nonprofit organisation and hold a valid charity status. Additionally, your organisation must have a website that is content-rich and functional. This means that your website should have high-quality content that is relevant to your mission and cause. Your website should also be easy to navigate, user-friendly, and have a clear call-to-action.

If your nonprofit meets these eligibility criteria, you can apply for Google Grants and start using Google Ads to promote your cause. Find out more here.

Benefits of Google Grants for Nonprofits

Google Grants offers nonprofits several benefits. One of the most significant benefits is that it provides a cost-effective way of reaching a potentially vast audience. It allows you to promote your cause to people who are searching for keywords related to your mission and cause. This means that you can reach people who are already interested in what you do, making it easier to convert them into donors, volunteers, or supporters.

Another benefit of Google Grants is that it allows you to track your results and measure your success. With Google Ads, you can see how many people clicked on your ads, how many people visited your website, and how many people converted into donors or volunteers. This data can help you make informed decisions about your advertising strategy and improve your results over time.

Overall, Google Grants is an excellent opportunity for nonprofits to increase their visibility online and attract more donors, volunteers, and supporters. By using Google Ads, you can create targeted campaigns that reach people who are actively searching for keywords related to your mission and cause. So if you’re a nonprofit looking to increase your online presence and attract more support, be sure to check out Google Grants and see how it can benefit your organisation.

Setting Up Your Google Grant Account

Creating a Google Ad Grants Account

To set up a Google Ad Grants account, you need to follow the following steps. Firstly, ensure that your nonprofit organisation is eligible for the programme. Then, create a Google for Nonprofits account. Follow the prompts in the account set up process, and complete the required steps to get to the ‘Google Ad Grants’ page. Once here, fill out the application form and submit it for approval.

Setting Up Your Google Ads Campaign

After your Google Ad Grants account has been approved, you can start setting up your Google Ads campaign. Start by conducting thorough keyword research and selecting the key phrases that accurately describe your organisation and mission. Then, create ad groups that focus on different ad themes.

Choosing the Right Keywords for Your Campaign

It is essential to choose the right keywords for your campaign. Start by choosing keywords that are relevant to your organisation and mission. Then, use tools such as Google’s Keyword Planner to identify popular search terms and phrases that are related to your chosen keywords.

Maximising Your Google Grant Budget

Optimising Your Ad Spend

Optimising your ad spend is crucial to maximising your Google Grant budget. Here are some tips to help optimise your ad spend:

  • Use negative keywords to avoid appearing for keywords that are not relevant to your organisation.
  • Ensure that your ads are tightly themed.
  • Use ad scheduling to run your ads at the times when your target audience is most active.

Utilising Ad Extensions

Ad extensions can help your ads stand out and provide more information to potential donors and supporters. Use ad extensions like sitelink extensions, callout extensions, and structured snippet extensions to share additional information about your cause and organisation.

Implementing Conversion Tracking

Implementing conversion tracking allows you to track the actions that users take on your website after clicking on your ads. This insight allows you to determine which keywords and ads are driving the most conversions and optimise your campaign accordingly.

Monitoring and Evaluating Your Campaign Performance

Analysing Key Performance Metrics

Monitoring your campaign performance is essential to ensure that you are making the most of your Google Grant budget. Analyse key performance metrics such as click-through-rate, cost-per-click, and conversion rate regularly, and make changes to your campaign based on the data.

Identifying Areas for Improvement

Identifying areas for improvement is crucial to the success of your Google Ads campaign. Regularly review the data and identify opportunities to improve your campaign’s performance. Adjust your campaign strategy and budget accordingly.

Adapting Your Strategy for Better Results

Adapting your strategy and budget is an ongoing process. Use the insights you gain from your campaign data to refine your strategy and improve your results over time.


In summary, Google Grants is a cost-effective way for nonprofits to raise awareness about their cause and mission. With the right approach, you can make the most of your Google Grant budget and get your message seen by your target audience. Follow these tips to set up and optimise your Google Ads campaign, monitor your performance, and adjust your strategy and budget for better results.

Speak to us today to find out more about how we can help with the application and management of a Google Grant account.