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Case study

Double parking systems

Driving digital

In the complex landscape of urban development, Double Parking Systems has long stood as a leader in innovative parking solutions, both in commercial and residential sectors. Affiliated with the British Parking Association and a long-time exclusive UK agent for KLAUS Multiparking, they have a proud history of solving car parking challenges with smart, efficient technology. Despite their expertise, their digital presence was not reflecting the modernity and efficiency of their services due to an outdated and non-mobile-friendly website.

Partnering with Candid Digital, Double Parking Systems embarked on a transformative journey to overhaul their digital platform. This case study explores how the migration to a new, mobile-optimised website and enhancements in site speed and usability, coupled with SEO optimization, not only modernised their online presence but also enhanced their accessibility and user engagement.

Website creation
seo optimised
Website management

Our aims.

Our primary objective was to modernise Double Parking Systems’ online presence to reflect the high-tech nature of their parking solutions. This entailed transitioning from an outdated, non-responsive website to a cutting-edge, mobile-optimised platform that caters to the increasing number of users accessing the web via mobile devices.

We aimed to enhance the overall site speed and usability to improve user experience, ensuring that potential clients could easily navigate and interact with the site. Additionally, we focused on implementing comprehensive SEO strategies to boost the website’s visibility and search engine rankings, thus increasing organic traffic and enhancing Double Parking Systems’ market reach.

how we did it.

To initiate Double Parking Systems’ digital transformation, we chose WordPress as our platform due to its versatility and robust support for responsive designs. The migration began with a complete overhaul of the old website, where we restructured the architecture to better align with modern usability standards and mobile responsiveness.

We developed a custom WordPress theme tailored specifically to the needs of Double Parking Systems, ensuring that the new website would not only be visually appealing but also functional across all devices. This involved rigorous testing and refinement to achieve optimal layout fluidity and load efficiency.

Here's what they had to say:

For SEO, we conducted thorough keyword research relevant to the parking solutions industry and incorporated these keywords into well-crafted meta tags, headings, and content, enhancing the site’s search engine visibility.

The results.

The comprehensive redesign and optimisation of Double Parking Systems’ website yielded significant and measurable improvements. 

Website speed improvements were immediately apparent, with load times reducing, enhancing user satisfaction. These enhancements played a critical role in improving the overall user experience, particularly for mobile users who represent a growing segment of online traffic.

The SEO efforts bore fruit as well, with the site achieving higher rankings in search engine results for key terms related to parking solutions. This increase in visibility led to a marked increase in organic traffic, providing Double Parking Systems with greater opportunities to convert visitors into clients.

Additionally, the new website has facilitated smoother operations and better service delivery by streamlining user interactions and inquiries.

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